Miss Tri-Cities and Miss Eden Pageants

The first Miss Tri-City Pageant was held in 1948 and the last in ?. There have been a total of ? young ladies to hold the title Miss Tri City or Miss Eden. There were several years when the pageant was titled Miss Rockingham County, but it was always held in Leaksville/Eden. Scroll down by year for the current information we have available about each pageant. For the years 1948 through 1960, the pictures and caption information comes from the June 1961 copy of "The Advisor". The pictures used for the years 1961 thru 1966 are from copies of the "Leaksville News" at the Rockingham County Library in Eden. Pictures from 1967 thru 1970 are from the collection at the Eden Historical Museum. Use the "back" or "return" button on your browser to return to this page after navigating to the links provided.

We are especially grateful to Mrs Barbara Collins Golding, Miss Tri-City 1951, for allowing us to scan some of her programs and materials.

We have also provided scanned clippings from the Leaksville News for many of the pageants. Note that some of the pictures did not reproduce very well. If anyone has an original print for any of these pictures, please let us know so we can improve the quality of the images.

Miss Tri-City 1948

pic Miss Montine Bondurant, daughter of Mrs. Nora Heffinger of Draper, an 18-year old blonde, slipped into a copper-colored bathing suit to enter her first beauty contest and won the title of "Miss Tri-City of 1948," which was the first pageant sponsored by the Tri-City Jayceess. She weighed 110 pounds and was 5'5" tall, She first caught the judges attention when she appeared in a light blue satin evening dress which matched her beautiful eyes. Runners-up were Miss Virginia Rickman and Miss Ashley Greer. Also available are the newspaper clipppings with a complete list of the contestants. It should be noted that Miss Bondurant finished in the top 5 for the title of Miss North Carolina.

Miss Tri-City 1949

picThis little bunch of dynamite, Miss Libby Smith, won the "Miss Tri-City of 1949" beauty title. She weighed 104 pounds and was five feet two inches tall. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smith of Leaksville, she was also selected May Queen the same year at Leaksville High School.One of the most spectacular beauties in the Tri-Cities that year her figure was out of this world. She has black hair and blue eyes. Miss Ashley Greer and Miss Virginia Rickman were runners-up again in 1949. We also have newspaper clippings available for this pageant.

Miss Tri-City 1950

pic Miss Carolyn Edwards, 18 years old, won the "Miss Tri-City of 1950" and also won "Miss North Carolina of 1950." Carolyn was also among the top finalists in the "Miss America" Pageant at Atlantic City, N. J. where she won a $1000 scholarship. She attended Eastern Carolina Teachers College. She stole everyone's heart in her light blue bathing suit when she won "Miss Tri-City" and quickly caught the judge's eyes with her charm, graceful and elegant beauty. She measured 35-25-35 and is five feet five inches tall. When she won in 1950 she weighed 126 pounds. She has dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Runners-up for "Miss Tri-City' were Jean Tiller and Nancy Van Burris. Miss Edwards was selected "Miss North Carolina Photo Queen" in 1951. A selection of newspaper clippings for this pageant is also available.

Miss Tri-Cities 1951

pic Miss Barbara Collins, 18 years old, won "Miss Tri-City of 1951." She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Collins of Route 1, Leaksville and has blue eyes, blonde hair and is five feet six inches tall. She weighed 125 pounds and measured 36-24-36. She had previously won the title of "Miss Wentworth High of 1951". Runners-up were Miss Sybil Talley and Miss Becky Collins, sister of the queen. A selection of newspaper clippings for this pageant is also available. In addition, Barbara Collins Golding has written a book, "Barefooted: Spontaneous Reflections of a Southern Woman", and with her permission we have included a section of her book titled "Pageants".


Miss Tri-City 1952

pic Miss Gloria Harris won the "Miss Tri-City of 1952" title. She was 18 years old and it was the second title she won that year. She was named "Miss Leaksville High School" earlier in the year. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Harris, of Spray, she was was five feet five inches tall and weighed 120 pounds. She had a 35 bust, 24 waist, and 36 hips. She is shown holding the loving cup and crown she won as "Miss Tri-City." Runners-up were Miss Sybil Talley and Joan Richardson. We have the 1952 Pageant Program available for this year.

Miss Tri-City 1953

pic Miss Patsy Price, 18 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Price, of Ridgeway was selected "Miss Rockingham County of 1953. She weighed 127 pounds and was five feet five inches tall when she won the honor. Patsy won second place in the "Miss North Carolina Pageant" for 1953. Her measurements were 36-24-37. She is a brunette and has brown eyes. The local Jaycees changed the title from "Miss Tri-City" to "Miss Rockingham County" for this year's pageant. Runners-up were Miss Rose Tiller and Miss Gene Griffiths.

Miss Tri-City 1954

pic Miss Rose Tiller, 19. a shapely Draper lass, was selected as "Miss Tri-City of 1954." The pretty raven-haired beauty is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Claud B. Tiller. She has green eyes and weighs 115 pounds. Her measurements were 35-24-35 and she is 5 feet 5 inches tall. Looking every inch a queen in her beautiful red evening dress, the crowd really roared. When she appeared in a pretty white bathing suit there was no question who would win the local title. She finished in the top 10 when competing in the "Miss North Carolina" Pageant. Rose graduated from Salem College and taught in Leaksville Township schools for a time.

Miss Tri-City 1955

pic Miss Rossie Barrow, 18 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Barrow of Draper, was crowned "Miss Tri-City of 1955." A 1955 graduate of Tri-City High School, her measurements were 34-22-34 in the usual places and carried 112 pounds, all appropriately packaged. She beat 11 other girls for the title. One of the other contestants she defeated was an older sister, Rebecca. Rossie has four other sisters and four brothers. She is 5' 5" tall, has brown hair and blue eyes. Runners-up were Miss Carol Ann Hobson, first and Miss Julie Ann Brooks, second.

Miss Tri-City 1956

pic Miss Billie Jean Edwards, beautiful 17 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Edwards, of Leaksville, defeated nine other contestants for the title of "Miss Tri-City of 1956." A graduate of Tri-City High of 1956, Billie Jean is a winsome dark-haired, hazel-eyed beauty with a mischievous grin. Her 104 pounds were well distributed when she was elected. She is 5 feet 4 inches tall. Her measurements were 34-23-34. Runners-up were Miss Jean Ford, First and Miss Anne Navey, second. Billie Jean attended Woman's College in Greensboro for one year after winning the "Miss Tri-City" title.

Miss Tri-City 1957

pic Miss Sandra Jo McHone, a shapely green-eyed blond of 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McHone of Madison, was crowned "Miss Tri-City of 1957." She won over 10 other contestants with measurements of 35-22-36. She is five feet, eight inches tall and weighs 124 pounds. Runners-up were Miss Jane O'Dell, first and Miss Joan Carpenter, second.

Miss Tri-City 1958

pic Miss Rena Lee Frick, 18, who lives with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Starnes of Route 1 Reidsville, was crowned "Miss Rockingham County of 1958". The Tri-City Jaycees renamed the pageant for 1958. Rena graduated from Reidsville Hich School. She has blue eyes, brown hair and is 5' 1.5" tall and her weight was 110 pounds when she won. Her measurements were 35-23-35. While in high school she was a majorette with the high school band and used her baton twirling talent in both the local and state contest. Rena was first runner-up in the Miss Reidsville pageant in 1958 also. Local runners-up were Miss Elizabeth Hendrix, also of Reidsville, first; and Ana Carter of Madison, second.

Miss Tri-City 1959

pic Miss Ola Mae Hopkins, lovely 18 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee Hopkins of Draper was crowned "Miss Tri-City" of 1959 defeating eight other contestants and finished twelth in the "Miss North Carolina" pageant for 1958. She has blonde hair, hazel eyes, and weighs 102 pounds. Her measurements were 34-22-34 when she won the "Miss Tri-City" title. She is 5'2" tall. Runners-up were Miss Bettie Swindell, first and Miss Carol Price, second.

Miss Tri-City 1960

pic Miss Daphne Fair, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Fair of Leaksville, looked delightful and was every inch a queen as she was crowned "Miss Tri-City of 1960". She was also a finalist in the "Miss North Carolina" Pageant. She played the autoharp and sang a folk song, "He's Gone Away" in the talent division of the local and state contest. Miss Fair has blue eyes, dark brown hair, weighs 115 pounds and is 5 feet 3.5 inches tall. Her measurements were 35.5-24-36. She is a graduate of Morehead High School and attended Pfeiffer College where she was elected by her classmates as "Miss Merry Christmas" for 1960. Miss Fair was also crowned "Miss Apple Festival of 1960" at Hendersonville and participated in the Azalea Festival in Wilmingon in April of 1961. Runners up in the 1960 pageant in Leaksville were Miss Sara Williams, first, and Miss Carole Jester, second.

Miss Tri-City 1961

pic Martha Stone Alley, 18, was crowned Miss Tri City of 1961 by Daphne Fair, Miss Tri City 1960. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Alley of Leaksville. She is 5 feet six inches tall and weighed 118 pounds. First runner-up was Cindy Ratliff of Spray. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ratliff of Spray. Miss Judy Bryant was 2nd runner-up. She is the daughter of Mrs. Helena Bryant of Spray. A pdf file for a selection of newspaper articles is also available.

Miss Tri-City 1962

picThe title of Miss Tri City of 1962 was awarded to Cindy Ratliff. She was a 1961 graduate of Morehead High School, and is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ratliff of Spray. She is 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighed 115 lbs. First runner-up was Gale Washburn of Spray, and Jan Thomas of Leaksville was 2nd runner-up. We have the 1962 Pageant Program available for this year. A pdf file for a selection of newspaper articles is also available.

Miss Tri-City 1963

picMiss Judith Lackey Bryant was the winner of the 1963 Miss Tri City title. She is the daughter of Herbert M. and Helena Bryant of Spray. Miss Bryant stands 5 feet and 6 inches tall and weighed 120 lbs. First runner-up was Patricia Yount, 18 years old, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Yount of Leaksville. Second runner-up was Gloria Agee, 18, daughter of mr. and Mrs. D. C. Agee of spray. We have the 1963 Pageant Program available for this year also. A pdf file for a selection of newspaper articles is also available.

Miss Tri-City 1964

picThe title of Miss Tri City 1964 was won by Miss Dorothy Ellen Jones. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones of Ruffin. First Runner-up was Mary Jane Stephens of Leaksville, and second runner-up was Sandra Kay Johnson of Draper. Clicking the following link will take you to a selection of newspaper articles from the Leaksville News.

Miss Tri-City 1965

picIn 1965, the Jaycees changed the date of the local pageant from the late spring to the fall. This meant that there would be no Miss Tri-City for 1965. However,arrangements were made for Judy Bryant, who was the reigning Queen of the Rhododendron Festival to participate in the Miss North Carolina Pageant and to represent the Tri-Cities. She was the 1963 Miss Tri-City winner.

Miss Tri-City 1966

picMiss Elizabeth Sweeney was named Miss Tri-City of 1966 from a talented group of 13 young ladies. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sweeney Sr. of Leaksville. Martha Wood Meeks of Spray was first runner-up and Frances Celeste Vestal, also of Spray, was second runner-up. Victoria Lee Cole and Delores Patricia Barker were also finalists. Locksley Anne Saunders received an award for the most talented non-finalist. Clicking the following link will take you to a selection of newspaper articles from the Leaksville News.

Miss Tri-City 1967

pic Miss Pat Pugh, newly crowned Miss-Tri City of 1967 is pictured with the reigning Miss North Carolina, Nanette Minor. Pat is a senior at Morehead High School. She is 5-feet 4-inches tall and has hazel eyes and reddish blonde hair. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. William O. Pugh of Leaksville. Frances Virginia (Ginger) Claud of Leaksville was the 1st runner-up and Betty Lou Murphy of Leaksville won second runner-up. Clicking the following link will take you to a selection of newspaper clippings from the Leaksville News.

Miss Eden 1968

picThe first winner named Miss Eden is Martha Wood Meeks pictured with 1st and 2nd runner-ups and Pat Pugh Miss Tri-City 1967. The Leaksville News reported that the 1500 people in the audience gave her announcement "thunderous applause." Miss Meeks was previously 1st runner-up in the 1966 Miss Tri-City pageant. She is 5'3" tall and weighs 108 pounds. The fist Miss Eden is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Meeks. First runner-up was Nancy Ivie Wall and Heidi Faye Patterson was second runner-up. Miss American 1967, Jane Anne Jayroe, served as Mistress of Ceremonies. Clicking the following link will take you to a selection of newspaper clippings from the Leaksville News.

Miss Eden 1969

pic From left to right, pictured are Janet Evans, Susan Moore, Martha Meeks (Miss Eden 1968), Clemmie Lemons (Newly crowned Miss Eden 1969), Dorinda Martin, Brenda Lawson, and Donna Warren. The new Miss Eden was announced by Maria Beale Fletcher, a former Miss North Carolina and Miss America 1962. Clemmie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Lemons. Susan Moore was 1st runner-up and Dorinda Martin was 2nd runner-up. Newspaper clippings for this pageant are also available.

Miss Eden 1970

picRebecca Sue Springer, 18-year-old daughter of Dr. Joseph G. Springer of Eden, was crowned Miss Eden of 1970. She is a 1969 graduate of Morehead High School and plans to attend Brevard College. First runner-up was Wonda Gail Barker, 20, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Barker of Eden. Second runner-up was Esther Joy Rice, the niece of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bowen of Eden. Newspaper clippings for this pageant are also available.

Miss Eden 1971

picPamella Jean Powell was crowned Miss Eden 1971 to "thunderous applause" at the pageant held in the MHS auditorium. Pamela is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Powell of Eden and she was a senior at Morehead High School. She sang the "Theme from Lives and Lovers" as her talent. Beth Cox was 1st runner-up, pictured on the left, and Cynthia Rawlins, pictured on the right, was 2nd runner-up. Miss Patricia Pressley was named "Miss Congeniality. Newspaper clippings for this pageant are also available.